Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of NOV. 3

This week, nothing really good was playing at the Regal, so I went to the Georgia Theatre Company's dollar movie---actually $1.99, where my daughter works.
YES, you can go see movies you have already seen. Don't you rent then when they come out on DVD? I do, and watch them over and over again on HBO, etc.
I loved and still love------"The Time Traveller's Wife."
Based on the book, you have to see it again to recognize it for what it is, a truly romantic movie.
It is romantic without being too sappy, unlike "The Way We Were."
I would give this ***--three stars just for the lead actors----Eric Bana and Racheal McAdams.
They really made me believe in their love.
NEXT WEEK---------is it too early for Christmas movies?

1 comment:

  1. yes it's too early. Don't skip turkey day. There's a great list on the Thanksgiving Movie poll of Thanksgiving movies on
